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Chewy earrings, hand painted, limited edition
Darth and Din hot cocoa earrings , hand painted, limited edition
Christmas Geek vinyl stickers, Best Friend Gift, Trendy Stickers, Cute Stickers, Water Bottle Sticker,
Nutcracker Trooper earrings, hand painted, limited edition
N1 ship earrings, dangle earrings, hard enamel Silver plating
Princess Watch Band Charm, watch accessories, watch charms, watch charm
Mix and Match Ships , Stud Earrings, hard enamel
Christmas Chewy Keychain/ Lanyard Backpack /Charm Purse
Galactic Holiday Ornaments, Gift tags, stocking stuffers
Cute G watch charm, watch accessories, band button, watch charm
Sabine helmet , Stud Earrings, hard enamel silver plating
Ugly sweater Holiday Ornaments, Gift tags, stocking stuffers
Dark side Holiday Ornaments, Gift tags, stocking stuffers
Mug Holiday Ornaments, Gift tags, stocking stuffers
Christmas tree Star Destroyer , hand painted, limited edition
Baby Hard Enamel Pin / Trendy Pin/ Cute Pin
Stud Princess earrings, hard enamel gold plating
Halloween Darth V and Chewie and BB candy bag earrings, hand painted, limited edition
Ghost Halloween mouse acrylic dangle earrings
Dark side helmet earrings, Stud Earrings, Christmas gift